São Paulo (11) 3287-3200

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Technology and human work go hand in hand. When we talk about Artificial Intelligence, we are referring the ability to substantially change our lives, professional relationships and, certainly, the practice of translation.

Artificial Intelligence will make it possible to automate processes, check data and leave the translator more free for other value-added activities to the benefit of the client.
What will the role of the translator be in the future? What will be the attributes and what will be expected from a translation company in this scenario that is slowly developing, even if the future, which was yet to come, has indeed arrived?

It will be necessary for professionals to understand the subjects fully and deeply, technology tools and Artificial Intelligence, as well as their use in business. They must develop a “general expert” profile, identifying opportunities and generating value in their actions with client products.

The future will belong to professionals with training and specializations that go beyond translation, promoting services of greater added value for the client with the use of multidisciplinary knowledge. More than ever, translation companies will be indispensable for structuring business, occupying a proactive and complementary role to business.
It will only be possible to enjoy the most that AI has to offer those who are privy to it, to how it works, driving it. With AI, professionally trained people will be needed. That is, we will see the maxim of “quality and not quantity” in practice.

The qualification and quality of professionals will be the true differential. Case experience, theoretical background, and a multidisciplinary approach, combined with ease of learning, familiarity with technological tools, and proactivity, along with communication skills, will be decisive to open and secure space in the market. Excellence in the provision of services will be achieved by professionals who know how to identify what is essential, what meets the needs of the client and what works. In other words, the translator, who must select, categorize and manage the information made available by the technology, will present the best solution, with the objective of adding experience and human value to his solution.

In this technological age, there is no longer room for hierarchical structures, and Artificial Intelligence provides information necessary for decision-making, reducing the bureaucracies that this structure would generate. It also reduces the time spent searching for information.

And despite appearances, Artificial Intelligence will not replace humans in translation services – people are indispensable in this process. The machine will only perform the bureaucratic and research part. The human being is the one who develops the work based on such.

The translator will be responsible for the most essential processes of translation: the validation and improvement of texts, instilling humanity, refinement and precision.
At Global Languages, we have a highly qualified Translation team, following the changes and improvements in the translation processes, always ensuring that these processes are carried out together with the technology and, above all, with maximum excellence and agility.