Voice-overs & Dubbing
We provide talented professional speakers and presenters in the source language. We maintain lasting partnerships with sound studios, and our competent technical supervisors ensure that the values related to the sense of opportunity and production will fully achieve the desired objectives.
Voiceover is the verbal communication process in audio form used for dissemination or propagation. In our daily lives, we can find it in the most diverse forms: radio, podcasts, television program calls, live broadcasts (such as sports, news, etc.), waiting messages, electronic service, advertisements etc. Many companies make use of this service to publicize their work or to incorporate it into the corporate environment.
Frequently, common sense would say that people with nice, beautiful voices can be announcers. But, to carry out a voiceover, it is necessary to hire a qualified professional. The speaker studies to control voice and diction, train their breathing and how to convey the message clearly and with the appropriate tone. The use of techniques and lessons learned ensure that the speaker performs quality work.
Voiceover gains space in people’s daily lives. Because we live in a world where people live in a constant hurry, many people use voiceover as entertainment or a source of knowledge. We have the radio as the most common form, present in cars, waiting rooms or even at home and it is also normal to find people listening to podcasts while doing other things or listening to an audiobook while going home.
The use of voiceover by a company can yield profit, since it can be used as a form of advertising in several media outlets: television, radio, social networks, the internet and others. One of the advantages of this service is the agility and practicality with which it is done, establishing a more intimate communication and sometimes reaching a diverse audience.
In our company, in addition to translation and editing services, we also offer this activity with the help of long-term partnerships of sound studios and experienced speakers in the source language. We know that there are customers interested in translating videos and not interested in subtitling, and voiceover is a great alternative for these cases. There are also cases of the need to include audio in a determined presentation, for example. We guarantee the delivery of material made with excellence and professionalism.