São Paulo (11) 3287-3200

Rio de Janeiro (21) 2524-2525

Porto Alegre (51) 3092-0043

Curitiba (41) 3082-2526

Joinville (47) 3030-0054

Product development

Product development

Global Languages offers complete translation assistance for all languages. Our qualified team studies, analyzes and understands our clients’ products to provide the best result, through research and technical data management. We always work in the way required by our clients and are available for contact through various channels (email, phone, SMS, WhatsApp).

Our assistance consists of first preparing a technical or management profile. Based on this, we direct our high-end consulting services to meet all the technical, linguistic and design needs of the most diverse projects of the clients and thereby aid in their activities.

We are prepared to meet all needs, whether through the provision of specialized services by trained professionals, such as technical writers or project managers, as well as providing support for contracts, administrative assistance, purchasing assistance and data entry.

Preparation of Different Types of Technical Document
We are ready to assist you in the management of the most varied technical documents, whether in the writing, collection of specifications, technical surveys, application of 3D mathematics or elaboration.

Guided by the client’s need, we work on the most varied types of documentation, such as technical manuals (user, instructions, workshop, etc.), spare parts catalogs (screws, components and other items) and schedules, among others, in order to ensure that, regardless the product in question, it is handled correctly, efficiently, and used correctly.

In the execution of these documents, we use the skills and expertise of the writing team and the technologies we have to improve the flow of technical and commercial documents, enabling them to be personalized and accessible. This process is independent of the final product, as it is possible to place it in the information chain, enabling us to control and predict its entire life cycle. Technological innovation enables this transposition of technical information into strategic assets.

Preparation of Spare Parts Catalogs
We compose and design spare parts catalogs in all its preparation stages, passing through the definition of the product, identification of the parts and creating technical drawings. We can make the personalized catalog available, efficiently and always considering the needs of the professionals who will be most in contact with the material, such as distributors and repairers.

The catalog provides an illustration of each component of the product, including replaceable parts and elementary components, aimed at qualified maintenance teams. We have an experienced team, with the skill and knowledge to define the levels for breaking down or joining the parts, ensuring that there is an economic and technical balance.

We are able to develop maintenance manuals, spare parts catalogs and service time manuals, all at the same time, whether in physical or virtual form, allowing the production of high-level documentation, always maintaining coherence and quality.

Preparation of Electrical Diagrams
We prepare electrical diagrams, which are aimed at the creation and management of static or interactive electrical diagrams, aimed at repair and diagnosis processes.
The function of the interactive schemes is to enable the rapid search for conductors and components of interest, causing the repair capacity to be considerably improved.

Elaboration of Working Time
The elaboration of the Working Time consists of the research, analysis and publication of Working Times necessary to diagnose, perform maintenance or repair of products. Within this Work Time process there is the Standard Repair Time (or more commonly called Schedule), in which the provision of tables with the times necessary for the maintenance procedures occurs. The Schedules are intended for qualified personnel, so that they have control of the time allocated to each necessary procedure, making proper use of time and personnel.

Maintenance Engineering Services
Global Languages provides Maintenance Engineering services, which encompass several activities related to the preventive and corrective projection of product maintenance.
In this service, we identify the necessary procedures so that no malfunctions occur and what should be done to reestablish functions and operation of the product in case of failure, being the preventive and corrective essential for the safety, durability and execution of the product.

We also include the Ease of Maintenance analysis, especially when frequent maintenance occurs, identifying needs for the use of specific tools that help and facilitate the execution of the task.

When we encounter complex electrical and electronic systems in which a malfunction caused by various failures can or does occur, we isolate the failure (which undergoes a diagnostic analysis, also called Diagnosis and Trouble Codes – DTC), considering viable alternatives to adequately solve and intervene in the problem, aiming at a quick and quick solution.

In view of the complexity of the processes involved, providing Maintenance Engineering services with high qualification and excellence is fundamental for the maintenance experience not to be driven by uncertainties, but rather guaranteed with prevention and optimization. Global Languages is concerned with excellence in its execution, as this is what guarantees feasible advantages in the quality of all stages of product development, mainly through the ability to identify and interrupt possible critical problems in advance.

Our Engineering team has cutting-edge technology and efficiency to perform the service, simplifying processes that can be complex, optimizing time and reducing costs. All this thanks to virtual realities, artificial intelligence and mixed reality. And it is your project that dictates the solutions that will be used, including customized solutions. We understand your project, what it needs and its context, identifying where structural, procedural and professional improvements and strengths and weaknesses can occur, thereby ensuring that your project meets your needs and succeeds in its application.