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Simultaneous & Consecutive Translations

Simultaneous & Consecutive Translations

Qualified and experienced professionals will be able to assist you with this service. We have an exclusive team for this service that travels around the world doing this type of work. In addition to translators, we have equipment for rental.

What is Simultaneous Translation?

Simultaneous Translation – also known as Simultaneous Interpretation – is a way of translating orally from one language to another in real time. It is only possible with the use of specific sound devices (audio transmitters and receivers), as the translator – or interpreter – needs to listen to the speaker and translate soon after. The public can hear the translation done in real time, through headphones.

How it works?

The translator stays in a soundproof booth, usually located at the back of the room, listening to what the speaker says and, in a matter of seconds, translates orally so that the audience, provided with headphones, can understand the content of the communication. The professional often has textual support material, in addition to another translator, as this type of translation is required in long events, in which it is necessary for professionals to take turns speaking.

Origin of Simultaneous Translation

This type of translation was invented after World War II, in the trials of German soldiers. At the time, it was only possible to perform Consecutive Translation, in which a person speaks, the translator takes time to translate and replicates what was said in another language. As the trials were very long and there was a need to translate into more than four languages, the devices were invented and this allowed everything to go faster.

Nowadays, it is very common for us to find Simultaneous Translation in lectures, events, conferences, training, congresses, in short, environments where the public and the main speaker do not know the same language. In addition to requiring quick reasoning and fluency in the target and source languages, this type of work requires a source of knowledge from the translator. Therefore, it is essential that the professional knows in advance what the subject is, so that they can do research, elaborate glossaries and others, ensuring that the translation is as accurate as possible.

We have a team of highly qualified simultaneous translators, available to perform services anywhere in the world. Professionals have experience in the area of operation and ensure a correct result for customer demand, with quality and confidence.

What is Consecutive Translation?

Consecutive Translation – also called Consecutive Interpretation – is a way of orally translating short- or medium-length speeches, after a break by the speaker. It takes longer to complete, as it is necessary for the speaker to stop speaking for a few moments for the translator to complete their notes and translate orally afterwards. The time for the completion of the service may double, compared to Simultaneous Translation.

How it works?

This type of translation is widely used in environments with a small audience, such as meetings, interviews, dinners, negotiations, press conferences and others. The translator stays close to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, so that they can capture and understand the nuances of the communication. The most effective way to carry out this translation is by taking notes of what the speaker transmits. Usually, keywords or small blocks of text are used so that the meaning can be transposed into the target language.

As in Simultaneous Translation, it is important that the translator researches and even brings support materials so that the translation is accurate and there are no major difficulties in understanding the subject matter. Another point to remember is that often the use of a microphone is required for the moment of interpretation, so the translator needs to make sure that he will have enough space to accommodate the microphone and their notes.

Another issue in common with Simultaneous Translation is the requirement not only of fluency in both languages, but also of quick reasoning and a vast cultural knowledge. All forms of luggage and experience are valid and help to improve the translator’s technique. The use of memory is also a key factor to contribute to an excellent translation.

Simultaneous & Consecutive Translations company

Our translator interpreters are experienced in both modalities and are available for work anywhere in the world. We guarantee a service of excellence, meeting all types of demand, with quality and readiness.