In a world of growing efforts to reduce the impact of the greenhouse effect on the planet through the use of clean and sustainable energy sources, green hydrogen has become a very popular alternative, and its potential to become a solution to the problem caused by greenhouse gas emissions can be seen in the increased investment in this technology by companies around the world.

From the automobile industry to power generation, as well as the chemical, agricultural, food and shipping industries, among others, many companies are investing in projects related to green hydrogen. Read on to learn what green hydrogen is and how companies’ investments have increased globally:

What is green hydrogen?

Green hydrogen (H2V) is a type of hydrogen produced using clean, sustainable, or renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, and hydropower. One of the main characteristics of this substance is that it can be easily transported and stored, making it a versatile and adaptable energy source.

Increased investment in green hydrogen production

Countries like France and Germany have invested large amounts of money in the production of green hydrogen, and the European Union itself has made a promise of zero CO2 emissions by the year 2025. Large companies are already investing not only in the production of green hydrogen, but also in the creation of products that use this energy source, and this kind of investment is not only taking place abroad. Brazil is also investing in the production of this substance.

The truth is that the investments by companies in the production and use of green hydrogen as an alternative and clean source of energy have increased globally and, it seems, will continue to grow in the coming years, and Brazil is one of the countries listed to become a major producer of this type of energy, which can be exported to countries all over the world.

Corporate Communication

Global Languages has experience with the green hydrogen industry, serving several well-established companies in the market. Contact us now for more information!